Archive for the ‘ego’ Category

My Most Narcissistic Post Ever.. so far anyway

May 3, 2007

Like many avid photographers, I’ve got thousands of photos on my hard drive, of which, I’m in maybe 5 or 10.

I just wasted 30 minutes trying to find a decent photo of myself to use for my Twitter badge. I quickly remembered that I generally hate photos of myself. It is very rare that I like any of them and that’s why the photo in my blog profile has never really changed.

I did manage to find a couple passable ones. The first one I chose I happen to like quite a bit, but it looks far more serious and contemplative than I actually am. I would feel like I was pretending if I used that one. It was actually taken with my 50mm F1.8 lens at arm’s length while I was looking out a nearby window.

I finally found one a little more in character for me. Of course it was taken when I’m at my absolute happiest – when I’m cuddling my daughter.

So until I go get the glamour shots done at the mall, that’s the one I have to settle on for my Twitter badge. 😉

Of course the backup plan is to do some very very minor touchups to my blog profile photo using Inkscape… can you tell which one’s the original?