Archive for the ‘graphics’ Category

Great graphic design stuff and thieving bastards…

December 21, 2007

A while ago I purchased some hosting, bought a couple of domain names and committed myself to designing a new website for myself and moving this blog to a proper WordPress install. All that stuff is going ahead.. albeit a little more slowly than I originally anticipated. However, just as I’m feeling all cocky and proud about venturing out onto the web ‘for real’, along comes this to jolt me back to reality:

David Airey, a talented graphic designer who writes a very useful blog by the way, posts about how his site was hacked the day after he went away on vacation. He’s now in the process of trying to wrestle back control of his domain name davidaireyDOTcom which he’s lost to the attackers. So in the meantime he’s using If you’re a fan of his, or want to check out lots of good graphic design related stuff, make sure you update your aggregators and/or bookmarks to the address.

And to David, kudos for exercising such careful restraint in your posting about the incident and best of luck in getting back what is rightfully yours – I’ll be following the story.

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The Fantabulous Inkscape 0.46 About Screen Contest

December 20, 2007

Ryan Lerch spreads the news that the About Screen contest for the upcoming 0.46 release of Inkscape has been announced. The deadline is January 6th and I may try and make some time to field an entry or two once again. No luck last year, but it sure was fun coming up with ideas.

I seem to be mired in end of term exam marking, full time engineering work along with the website/blog stuff I’m trying to get finished. Oh yeah, and then there’s Christmas to contend with…better start shopping. 😉

I may just have to extend an arm and “sweep the desk clean” for a little while over the next week or two and come up with some new ideas for the Inkscape 0.46 About screen. It would be kind of nice to see your name up in lights inside one of my absolute favourite apps.

Here are my not-so-great entries from last time out.

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Episode 045 – Snapshot Mosaic

November 16, 2007

I’ve *finally* completed a new screencast. Sorry for the long delay. This one was a fun one. It demonstrates a fairly easy way to take a single image and break it up into component ‘snapshots’. So it looks like you took several pictures of different parts of an object and reassembled them. The example I do is a pretty basic one. You could do things like adjust the lightness, contrast or saturation of each snapshot separately to really give different creative effects.

This is another example where I really think Inkscape is significantly quicker than using Gimp or Photoshop for certain photographic projects. The method is simple, very intuitive and leaves room for lots of creative ideas once you get familiar with it.

Hope you enjoy it. 🙂

Does the world really need another font?

November 13, 2007

Does the world really need another font?

Yes. Mine.

For some inexplicable reason, I’m hell bent on designing/making my own font. I find the whole thing intensely fascinating (at least for now).

How timely then was this link to these Type Workshop images illustrating some fundamentals of type design. Incredible. Thanks to I Love Typography for so much great information.

So anyway, I’ve sketched out a basic alphabet as a starting point. The more I look at it, the more I want to change and refine it. Right now it looks a little anemic. I’m interesting in creating something sans serif, stable and consistent. Honestly, I’m aiming at something that someone (even just me) might actually use. The more reading and research I do, the longer the road seems to get, but hey, you gotta start somewhere. It’s quite rough and there are lots of things to fix and refine. But there will be plenty of time for apologies… here’s my starting point:

Free Image Hosting at

And before the typeface nazis attack, yes, it is a font that I’m initially going to create. If I’m successful and enjoy it, it might serve as a starting place for a typeface of which this one will just be a member. 😉

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Free Fonts for Professional Design

November 9, 2007

I Love Typography cites a nice post over at Smashing Magazine describing 40+ excellent free fonts for professional design. I already have some of them, but am always on the lookout for new ones.

I’m also unable to shake the itch to design and create my own font. Sketching has started.. but it looks like a long road.

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Me again on Linuxreality…

November 1, 2007

The second part of my guest segment on the linuxreality podcast is up today. More Inkscape chatter from yours truly.

The new found fame I’ve enjoyed because of this is just wonderful. I did a photo shoot for Podcast&Ammo magazine just last weekend. Unfortunately it included a nude photo spread and the editor deemed it far too graphic to publish. For shame, the prudes.


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Make My Logo Bigger Cream.. and more!

October 31, 2007

Stuck with a crappy graphic designer? Say goodbye to all your worries with easy to apply “Make My Logo Bigger Cream”. Big improvements with only one application. And there are lots of other deals to be had too, like “Whitespace Eliminator Spray” and more.

This company could put many hard working designers out of business. 🙂

ps. The look on the designer’s face when confronted with “Flouresencizer” is priceless.

Check out all of these wonderful products right here.


[via boagworld]

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Photographic Inspiration

October 26, 2007

I haven’t done a lot of photography related posts lately. Unsurprisingly, that’s because I haven’t done a lot of photography lately. 😉

Not that I have lost interest mind you, but anybody who reads this blog regularly will know my interests shift around all the time. Sometimes it takes a little creative inspiration and awe to get me moving again on certain fronts. This gallery by Nick Brandt is just one of those things.

While his photographic subjects might be dramatic to start with (how often do you get to photograph lions, elephants and zebras in the wild?), his use of tone and somewhat dramatic burning and dodging techniques add a huge amount of drama to each and every image.

I’ve always been a fan of post-processing when it’s well done; and in Nick Brandt’s case, it sure is. And given the tools you get in the GIMP and Photoshop, applying these techniques to improve your own images is not so hard. I’ve always found John Arnold’s Photowalkthrough tutorials to be incredibly useful in teaching techniques that can really enhance your post processing work.

Expect to see more photography related posts here in the future.

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One for the Mac guys out there…

October 25, 2007

While I don’t necessarily like Apple’s relatively closed system. I do hold their designers (both industrial and graphic) in high regard. So why then does their new Leopard packaging remind me of a GeoCities webpage motif?

The problem with raising the bar is that you have to meet it every time after that.

Btw, I’ve watched the Leopard tour video just to see how the other half lives. I’ve got more thoughts on that to come, but one thing sticks out. Is it just me, or does the Aqua blue (or graphite) scroll bar just seem to stick out of their new interface like a very sore (and very shiny) thumb. I think the glass buttons for drop down lists etc. still look decent in the various dialog boxes, but when those scroll bars pop up on a general application window they just look completely out of place with the rest of the interface.

Have the aqua controls finally worn out their stay?

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Beautiful Flash Toy

October 21, 2007

From the land of completely pointless, but simply beautiful flash animation demo’s, check out:

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