Archive for the ‘fonts’ Category

Font Matrix – a font manager for Linux

November 27, 2007

Via the Open Font Library Mailing list comes news of Font Matrix, a font manager for Linux. The opening line on the front page shows much promise:

“Fontmatrix is a font manager for Linux users. I repeat, for users.”

Very nice indeed. There are not pre-built versions at this point – it is an 0.2 release after all – but the source is there to download and compile. Something which I’ll be trying out later tonight.

Good Linux-y stuff once again! 🙂

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Does the world really need another font?

November 13, 2007

Does the world really need another font?

Yes. Mine.

For some inexplicable reason, I’m hell bent on designing/making my own font. I find the whole thing intensely fascinating (at least for now).

How timely then was this link to these Type Workshop images illustrating some fundamentals of type design. Incredible. Thanks to I Love Typography for so much great information.

So anyway, I’ve sketched out a basic alphabet as a starting point. The more I look at it, the more I want to change and refine it. Right now it looks a little anemic. I’m interesting in creating something sans serif, stable and consistent. Honestly, I’m aiming at something that someone (even just me) might actually use. The more reading and research I do, the longer the road seems to get, but hey, you gotta start somewhere. It’s quite rough and there are lots of things to fix and refine. But there will be plenty of time for apologies… here’s my starting point:

Free Image Hosting at

And before the typeface nazis attack, yes, it is a font that I’m initially going to create. If I’m successful and enjoy it, it might serve as a starting place for a typeface of which this one will just be a member. 😉

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Free Fonts for Professional Design

November 9, 2007

I Love Typography cites a nice post over at Smashing Magazine describing 40+ excellent free fonts for professional design. I already have some of them, but am always on the lookout for new ones.

I’m also unable to shake the itch to design and create my own font. Sketching has started.. but it looks like a long road.

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What’s your favourite terminal/programming font?

November 2, 2007

As I’ve posted about before, I run XP at work, but use several Linux-y tools in my workflow. A key tool for me is the rxvt terminal which I run using cygwin. I use this for my todo list management among other things. Since it’s such an often used app for me, every once in a while I try to fine-tune the fonts and colours in rxvt to make it nicer and more readable for me.

Right now I’ve settled on a “Light Steel Blue” foreground on a black background. But I constantly switch between two different font choices, one using the wonderful ProggyClean bitmap font and the other using the Bitstream Vera Sans Mono font which renders quite well on my XP box (nicer I think that it does on my Linux box at home actually).

Here’s the shortcut launch command for each one with a screen snippet:

C:\cygwin\bin\run.exe rxvt -sl 1500 -fn “ProggycleanTT-13” -bg black -fg “LightSteelBlue” -sr -e bash –login -i

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

C:\cygwin\bin\run.exe rxvt -sl 1500 -fn “Bitstream Vera Sans Mono-14” -bg black -fg “LightSteelBlue” -sr -e bash –login -i

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Think these are ugly? What’s your terminal or programming font of choice? Share it in the comments! I’m always up for some good suggestions.

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So I want to create a font…

October 26, 2007

As I’ve likely mentioned before, I’ve been very interested in graphic design for the last little while and typography is one of the elements of design that I find most interesting. I’ve been humming and hawing over trying to create a font just for the heck of it. So I was quite happy to see the start of the So You Want To Create A Font series over at I installed FontForge on my system quite a while back and I’m looking forward to taking the font creation plunge.

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My Graphic Love Affair with Design

October 22, 2007

For quite a while now I’ve been harbouring a lusty affair with design. Mostly of the graphic type. 😉 My notebooks and Inkscape are an outlet for that (I’m due up for a new screencast big-time btw). 

A few months back I picked up Thinking With Type by Ellen Lupton. A great book if you’re interested in typography and text related design. Another great find was the September/October issue of Good magazine which focused on design (a very interesting magazine on the whole by the way). And just to round out the package, I recently subscribed to the I Love Typography blog which seems to have lots of interesting posts as well. They’ve got a presentation posted there with Ellen Lupton which I’ll definitely watch when I get the chance.

So while there’s not a lot of meat to this post, I just thought I’d share a few things in case any of you harbour the same illicit affair with design that I do. 😉

Do you harbour a love affair with something unrelated to what it is you do everyday for money?

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Now there’s something you don’t read about every day…

September 10, 2007

Tom Raftery is using his Vista laptop more than his MacBook Pro. He supposes that the ClearType font rendering is making screen reading easier on his eyes.

The tech blogging space seems so pro-Mac / anti-Vista these days. Talk about walking around with a bullseye on your back. 😉

A source for free comic fonts…

August 4, 2007

Among the 1001 other things I’ve wanted to learn more about is comic design and creation. A nice find this week was the Comic Tools Blog. Via that blog, I found a homey 90’s looking website of the very experienced comic letterer Todd Klein. Lots of interesting information there.

Of course, being into Inkscape I was keen on the computerized end of things. Long story short, I ended up at the Blambot Comic Fonts and Lettering site. They sell a wide range of comic fonts, but wouldn’t you know – they also offer several high quality free fonts for non-commercial use.

I’m sure experienced comic artists already know all this stuff, so for any of you aspiring web comic artists out there, you might want to check it out.

Incidentally, one of the free fonts there was called Evil Genious. Dave Slusher would be proud. 😉

ps – Come to think of it, I miss Earl’s comic-captioned photos too. Where’d they go Earl?