Archive for the ‘blogs’ Category

My Graphic Love Affair with Design

October 22, 2007

For quite a while now I’ve been harbouring a lusty affair with design. Mostly of the graphic type. 😉 My notebooks and Inkscape are an outlet for that (I’m due up for a new screencast big-time btw). 

A few months back I picked up Thinking With Type by Ellen Lupton. A great book if you’re interested in typography and text related design. Another great find was the September/October issue of Good magazine which focused on design (a very interesting magazine on the whole by the way). And just to round out the package, I recently subscribed to the I Love Typography blog which seems to have lots of interesting posts as well. They’ve got a presentation posted there with Ellen Lupton which I’ll definitely watch when I get the chance.

So while there’s not a lot of meat to this post, I just thought I’d share a few things in case any of you harbour the same illicit affair with design that I do. 😉

Do you harbour a love affair with something unrelated to what it is you do everyday for money?

Blogged with Flock

How is Technorati *supposed* to work?

June 4, 2007

I was checking out the newer, faster, better, Technorati today and did a search on ‘inkscape’ to see what new things people were doing. I noticed quite quickly that my YouTube hosted screencasts are there in all their glory but no mention of my blog at all. I didn’t expect it to see it under the ‘posts’ tab since I haven’t tagged anything ‘inkscape’ in the last few days, but I do have probably 20 or 30 posts tagged ‘inkscape’ on my blog so I kind of expected it to show up under the ‘blogs’ tab.

Hmm. I thought the Blogger(tm) labels were like any other blog tagging system and that they’d be picked up by Technorati. Maybe I’ve got to add Technorati specific tags to my posts like Kent does?

I signed up and ‘claimed’ my blog there a couple years back, but maybe I’ve got to be doing more to be visible there?

Anybody care to educate me on this?

Someone please tell me how this is supposed to work.