Archive for the ‘passion’ Category

Photographic Observation

October 26, 2007

Over the past few months I have noticed something different in my neck of the woods. I do a lot of driving (commuting etc.) and a great deal of it is on back country roads north of Toronto (the area where I live). It is not uncommon to see the odd car pulled over on the shoulder with a dead battery, flat tire, child peeing in the bushes.. y’know, the usual. But lately, when I spot one of these cars, I look over further and see people with their digital SLR cameras across the ditch photographing some grazing horses, a majestic sunset or just a nice picturesque farmhouse scene. Sometimes they’ve even got tripods set up!

You can clearly see that almost all of them are not professionals (no big camera bags, or huge elaborate glass), but amateurs satisfying their passion and hobby on the way to and from work. Sometimes I’m almost tempted to pull over from the rat race and just chat them up about photography, but alas, my social skills are not that well developed I guess.

I’m not sure if it’s just my own perception, but it seems like digital photography of the more serious kind is really on an upswing. Very nice to see.

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