Archive for the ‘phone’ Category

I Bought a Nokia 6265i – opinions wanted…

March 21, 2007

One of the other things stolen from my car was the car charger for my cell phone. My desktop charger was ruined a year or so ago in a kitchen sink mishap (don’t ask), so the car charger was my sole means of keeping my trusty 5 year old Audiovox 8300 phone ticking.

Well since the battery was almost completely spent, I decided to head to a local Telus store up the road from my work. It turns out that the only charger for this phone was in a Telus store somewhere in Quebec and it was gonna be several days before they could get it. Aaargh – frickin car stealing idiots!!

So instead I decided to get a new phone. With my service plan unchanged and renewing for a 3 year contract (I’ve been satisfied if not happy with Telus for the past 9 years) I picked up a Nokia 6265i for zero cost plus the activation fee.

I am not a convergence device guy. I wanted a good phone that I would be using probably only as a phone. It would be nice to have data capabilities if I need them in the future, but it wasn’t crucial. I probably only text message a couple times a month so that wasn’t a key feature either. It’s got what is supposed to be a good 2 MP camera, but being a DSLR owner I know I probably wouldn’t be overly impressed and truly, it wouldn’t have been a deal-breaker if it didn’t have a camera at all.

So it has a slew of fancy features, most of which I probably won’t ever use (mp3 playback and an internal fm radio too).

It’s sad to say, with me being so interested in technology and the information age, but what really sold me was the sliding keyboard and internal antenna. Everyone and their grandmother has a flip phone these days – I wanted something different. And hey, you’ve got to admit those phones in the Matrix were kinda cool 🙂

Now if Brad Kellet or others could just chime in here and give me a much more educated opinion on my purchase it would be much appreciated!